Men crave a lot of different things. Not just physical, but emotional as well. In today’s world, men are bombed with the physical, women too. Women are convinced that the only thing men want in a woman are good looks (and that’s enough), so many women completely forget about other aspects of a relationship. Many good-looking women are convinced that that’s enough and that they don’t need to contribute anything else to a relationship. This makes them seem arrogant. Then they wonder why their relationships keep failing one after the other. Sure, good looks definitely help in attracting a man’s attention, but they fade at some point and they don’t help keeping that same attention. What matters a lot more to a guy is how you make him feel — especially about himself.
Even tough women look better and better thanks to plastic surgery and all that… men have never been more dissatisfied from an emotional perspective in their relationships. That’s where most women fail, and that’s why it’s becoming hard to find a great guy that will actually want to commit to you. He’ll easily be lured by other women and get into new relationships hoping that they’ll satisfy his inner, emotional needs. Some of which not even he is aware of.
So what’s that 1 thing he’s probably not getting from you.
The truth is that men live in a woman’s world. Most men have been raised by women and never really had a father figure around. Most of them didn’t learn to be “men” since they’ve been trained to be too nice and let society walk all over him. Deep down, this isn’t how a man was designed to live… a man’s natural role is a more dominant being. And this is a role that’s becoming harder to fill… that’s why so many men are lost.
On the other side of the spectrum, millions of women have been raised as daddy’s princesses, being used to getting everything they want, often without actually earning it. They hope to find a knight in shining armour that never seems to arrive. Expectations and pressure is high on both sides. Women are behaving more “macho” and manly than many men are. Most guys are too lazy to fight for themselves in a relationship and just “give in.” Millions of men are googling “how to stop her from nagging” and are going through all sorts of emotional abuse by the women they are dating. Then they run for the hills before they go too deep in a relationship.
Women are moving away from a natural role that men find extremely attractive: being feminine. The feminist movement gave millions of women an excuse to burp, fart, and act like animals or elbow their way into jobs (like being a construction worker) just to prove their point. But now women are complaining that there aren’t enough “real men” out there.
All of this has gotten it’s way into relationships and also in the bedroom. Where a man can’t take charge and get into his natural, dominant role, and where women can’t relax and surrender because they don’t want to be labeled a “sl*t” or do anything that can be considered submissive. The truth is that, in a dance, two cannot lead. Only one can do that.
And in today’s world, more and more women are — by force — in a very un-feminine and aggressive way, trying to lead in a relationship. And women should lead (indirectly), but not by completely taking away his manhood. That’s precisely why relationships are failing. Men have an emotional (and sexual) need to feel powerful and dominant. They have a natural male role that’s been around since the Stone Age. Now in the last 30 years, that role is diminishing, but the emotional need is still there.
A woman that can make a guy feel like “the man” and let him be in charge (or feel as if he is) can totally relax about her relationship. That’s one of the reasons why the divorce rate is so sky high. Men aren’t getting the respect they emotionally crave so much. A simple change in your behavior, like the tone of your voice being sweet and feminine, can immediately make a man fall in love with you (again). There are a lot of things men are not getting that they crave — and it’s all in one way or another connected with their desire to feel manly and satisfy that natural role. Simple things like letting him open the door for you, or picking positions in bed where he’s the one in charge and you let him do whatever he wants to you (with a smile), or praise and compliments for the little stuff. You’d be amazed by how many men are frustrated because their wife or girlfriend doesn’t know how to give proper head or never even tries doing it, or how many men develop an adult movie addiction and watch stuff that are “rough” just to get that need out of their emotional system.
You see, simply by developing a more pleasing personality, you’ll instantly differentiate yourself from all the other women he ever dated. There’s a reason why men from “developed” countries are falling head over heels for Asian, Eastern European and South American women that are more “submissive” (mostly from an emotional perspective) and are raised to enjoy making their man happy in every department. Worshipping him as if he was a King.
You can fight this as much as you want, but those are the women that never seem to find love and are always single over and over again and grow old alone. If you are the type of woman that gets grossed out at the thought of enjoying a guy’s “love potion” — then you’ll have a very hard time ever finding a guy that’s emotionally satisfied in your relationship. As soon as a woman with a pleasing personality arrives, he’ll go for her at the drop of a hat. The other group of women that knows and wants to satisfy a man is the group that’s already in a loving relationship.
Give a guy the emotional satisfaction he needs by increasing the gap between your submissive feminine energy, and by giving him the freedom to feel masculine, dominant and in charge.
And in my opinion, probably the best way to show your appreciation and make him feel wanted, powerful and worshipped (and totally satisfy this emotional need that 90% of men are missing), is by surprising him with super-sloppy, fantastic head. I’m telling you this because that’s exactly what helped tens of thousands of other women make their man emotionally satisfied in their relationship and fall head over heels in love with them.